Accreditation and Program Outcomes

The Athletic Training Professional Preparation Program (BSAT) is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) located at 6836 Austin Center Blvd, Suite 250, Austin, TX 78731-3193. The program is in good standing and our next self-study and site visit is scheduled for 2025-26.

Please review the tables below for information on Board of Certification pass rate, graduation rate, employment and placement data, and program retention rates.

Board of Certification Examination Pass Rate

The University of Wisconsin–Madison AT Program prides itself on having excellent program outcomes. Below are the program’s three-year aggregate results on the Board of Certification examination as well as some history of our BOC success.

The UW AT Professional Preparation Program has a three-year aggregate 94% first time pass rate over the past three years, and has a 100% pass rate for all attempts. These outcomes place the program in the upper echelon of all AT professional programs.

Year # of Graduates # of Graduates Taking BOC Exam # of Graduates Passing on First Attempt UW–Madison First Attempt Pass Rate on BOC Exam Overall Pass Rate on BOC Exam (all attempts)
2020/21 9 9 7 78% 89%
2019/20 18 18 18 100%


2018/19 18 17 15 88%


UW–Madison AT Program 3-Year Aggregate First Attempt Pass Rate = 91% (40/44)
UW–Madison AT Program 3-Year Aggregate Overall Pass Rate = 98% (43/44)

Student Graduation Rates / Placement and Employment Data

Graduation Rate

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 3-yr aggregate
Number of students graduating
from UW–Madison program
18 18 9 45
Student graduation rate (%) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Graduation rate (taken from United States Department of Education): Measures the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking students by showing the percentage of these students who complete their degree or certificate within 150% of “normal time” for completing the program in which they are enrolled. Graduation rate is calculated as: the sum of students with a graduated status divided by the total number of students in the cohort (excluding students with the status of medical leave of absence or deceased).

Placement and Employment Data

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 3 yr aggregate
Number of students employed as AT 15 15 8 38
Student employment rate as AT (%) 83% 83% 89% 84%
Number of students employed as other 2 0 1 3
Student employment rate as other (%) 11% 0% 11% 7%
Number of students not employed 0 3 0 3
Student not employed rate (%) 0% 17% 0% 7%
Graduate employment/placement rate: Percentage of students within six months of graduation that have obtained positions in the categories of 1) employed as an athletic trainer, 2) employed as other, and 3) not employed. Employment rate is calculated as: the sum of students who are employed as an athletic trainer or employed as an athletic trainer and in a degree or residency program, then divided by the total number of students who have graduated (excluding students with a “not employed” due to military service or deceased).

Retention Rate

Year entering AT
professional program
Total students
entering program
Total students
returning for Year 2
Retention rate
Year 1
2019/20 18 18 100%
2018/19 10 9 90%
2017/18 18 18 100%
3-Year Aggregate Retention Rate = 97%

BOC Pass Rate History (2011/12 – 2017/18)

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Number of students graduating from program 15 14 18 18 18 18 18
Number of students graduating from program who took examination 15 14 17 18 18 18 18
Number of students who passed the examination on the first attempt 15 14 17 18 18 18 17
Percentage of students who passed the examination on the first attempt 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 94%
Number of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts 15 14 17 18 18 18 18
Percentage of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%