This summer, Cindy Kuhrasch, PETE program Director, has been doing amazing work keeping our students and community engaged and active through a series called “PE at home”. Cindy and her students post videos on Facebook that demonstrate fun, equipment-free activities that families can engage in together to foster physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
In the UW-Madison’s Summer Blog they write, “While the pandemic prompted her to create the Facebook videos, the underlying inspiration for them has long guided [Cindy’s] career. Through volunteer work with the Boys & Girls Club, she learned that many children grow up with limited access to physical-activity equipment and don’t receive enough encouragement to play. ‘They needed quality physical activities that they could do on their own,’ she says.”
Read more about Cindy’s work this summer in the blog post
“From children to adults, Summer Term instructor inspires learning through movement” here.
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