Huge congratulations to Dr. David Bell who recently received the National Achievement Award for Athletic Trainers from the Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine Society (PRiSM).

Bell is a national leader in examining the risks associated with sports specialization and youth athletics. He is an associate professor with the athletic training program, and director of the Wisconsin Injury in Sport Laboratory (WISL).
Bell was honored for his outstanding contributions in the education of providers in the field of youth sports medicine nationwide.
The purpose of PRISM is to foster and stimulate interdisciplinary professional education, research and interest in pediatric and adolescent sports medicine and, in this regard, to promote and participate in high-quality research and the advancement of understanding in the field of pediatric and adolescent sports medicine.
PRiSM ( is multidisciplinary and includes various medical disciplines and is not limited to surgeons, pediatricians, physiatrists, physical and occupational therapists, orthotists, prosthetists, rehabilitation engineers, kinesiologists, nurse practitioners, special educators, researchers and certified athletic trainers.
See the original post on SoE’s website here.