Funding Opportunity: Virginia Horne Henry Fund for Women’s Physical Education and Movement

Previously Awarded

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2020 Awards

2020 Funded Grants

  • Dr. Josh Cisler – “Can Exercise Promote Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Women with and without PTSD?”
  • Dr. Bryan Heiderscheit – “Using Machine Learning to Predict Bone Stress Injury Risk in Women”
  • Douglas Rosenberg – “The Feminist Roots of Screendance: An International Symposium and Documentary Project”
  • Dr. Katherine Schaumberg – “Clarifying Exercise-Related Risk Among Women with Eating Disorders”

2020 Funded Special Projects & Visiting Scholar

  • Li Chiao-Ping – “Persons, Places, and The Pink”
  • Cindy Kuhrasch – “EDiPHY: Education in the Physical”
  • Stephanie Richards – “Planting Seeds the Bloom: Growing the Profession of Dance/Movement Therapy”

2019 Awards

2019 Funded Grants

  • Dr. Susan Andreae – “Increasing Physical Activity in Mothers and Children: Developing and Pilot Testing a Family-Centered Physical Activity Program”
  • Dr. Jill Barnes – “The Influence of Biological Sex and Ovarian Hormones on Brain Blood Flow Regulation after Exercise”
  • Dr. Dane Cook – “Brain Inflammation during Post-Exertional Malaise”
  • Dr. Kreg Gruben – “Standing Balance Control: Simulation of Gender Effects and Age-related Declines”

2019 Funded Special Projects & Visiting Scholar

  • Cindy Kuhrasch – “Picked Last: Affected for Life”
  • Kelly Kwiatkowski – “Pre-Collegiate Dance at UW Madison”
  • Stephanie Richards – “The Dance of Mentorship: Leadership Development for Women in Dance”
  • Marlene Skog – “Shakespeare: Dance Folio II”
  • Dr. Jin-Wen Yu – “Presentation of the Quintet “Paged” at the 2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe”

VHH Application Letter of Intent

Virginia Horne Henry Application Letter of Intent

All letters of intent will be accepted. The purpose of this letter is to make sure we have individuals who have the expertise to review the proposal and we can identify possible budgetary concerns prior to the review meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Barnes, Chair of the Virginia Horne Henry committee at

Provide the names and affiliations of indviduals involved in the project.
Provide the specific aims and purpose of the proposal (250 word limit).
Please provide details on what the funds will be used for. There is no need to provide the exact budget at this time (250 word limit).
Please provide details on the type of application: Research Grant, Student/Sport Club, New Course Development, Special Project/Visiting Scholar.
Please explain

VHH Progress Report

Virginia Horne Henry Progress Report 2022

Provide the date of activation of the project or release of funds
Provide the specific aims and purpose of the original proposal.
Provide any progress on aims or purpose. If there are any problems or obstacles on making progress on the aims or purpose, provide those details here.
If the aims or purpose have been modified since the original review by the VHH committee, please provide those details here. Otherwise state Not Applicable.
If the progress was impacted by Covid-19 pandemic, please provide those details here. Otherwise state Not Applicable.
Have these results been published, presented, or disseminated?